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- The Science Of Self-LoveOctober 24, 2022
- Upgrade Your Inner Sense of Worth and ConfidenceSeptember 20, 2022
- Change your thoughts, change your life.August 30, 2022
- The Science Of Self-Love
How do you feel when I say that I am a WORTHY woman!
Do you feel triggered reading that?
If you do, awesome! I love it when that happens, and it’s because you don’t understand what being worthy means.
Our Worth isn’t something we earn, it’s something we already are and embody. ?
It’s something we claim.? We own. We speak. We live. We breathe.
It’s when we spend more time checking in with ourselves and making decisions based on what’s in our highest and best, not what someone else thinks, says, or needs.
Life CAN be magical, expansive, joyful, ABUNDANT AF if you want to be. See whether you believe it’s possible or not, you’re right.
Nothing and no one has any power over you, but YOU!
You step into your WORTH, you claim it! I promise you the moment you decide to care more about yourself than anyone else does is the day you WIN!
Fall in love with YOU and then watch the rest of the world follow.
You got this QUEEN!
Sending you so much love,
Amanda xo