Let’s face it, we all have a story we tell ourselves, but sometimes it can be more limiting than empowering. My goal is to help you recognize the difference and break free from anything that’s holding you back. Trust me, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing someone discover their full potential and live their best life.
THE WAY FORWARD: I like to start by asking you this very simple question. What do you want? Most people know what they don’t want, and are so focused on the problem, and that is why they suffer. We are broadcasting the unwanted vs receiving the wanted. There are only ever 2 subjects, wanted and unwanted and they are opposite energies, and whatever we focus on expands. The work is layered, it’s a little like peeling back an onion and with awareness deciding who you want to be in the story you’re authoring and why you don’t have the life that you say you desire. Our lives are just a set of programs that we downloaded from childhood, some serve us, about 80% of them don’t, and because we operate from our subconscious programs 95% of our thoughts, behaviors, and actions are auto-responses from the past.
GUIDING PRINCIPALS: Your programming and your pain is not your fault, but healing so it generationally stops with you, is your responsibility. Freedom is found on the other side of the stories we tell ourselves.