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“Oh the weather outside is frightful” …
“Baby it’s cold outside” ….
“Let it snow let it snow let it snow” …
“Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree for me” – ah. Here are some lyrics we can actually relate to. We may have all been waiting for the snow to fall to get in the festive spirit (and start our shopping – whoops), but with Christmas exactly two weeks away, we can’t wait any longer. Here it is – our gift guide. Happy gifting readers!
The list. As the holiday shopping season approaches, have you made yours? Who’s been nice? What are you buying for Aunt Mildred? Add stress to the very real struggle that is winter in Ottawa (boots + dresspants combo, has anyone figured this out?) and it’s enough to push you to consume an entire gingerbread house. We feel for you: when putting together the gift guide, we threw around a few ideas, but nothing seemed quite right. Enter Santa’s helpers: Balance InStyle’s concierges, who routinely help clients with holiday shopping (not to mention event planning, running errands, and more). The Ottawa company’s president, Amanda O’Reilly, and her team, personal concierges Sarah-Jean Maher and Jillienne Currie-Payant, have put together the perfect wish list, along with a few tips on how to keep stress at bay. And we’ve included a few gift picks from the Ottawa Magazine team because we can’t help being a part of the holiday cheer. Life just got a little easier.
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